Matthew 8:18-34
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Matthew's readings in chapter 8 today are powerful in so many ways. The first section of our readings focuses on the costs of following Jesus. And I do think that we all probably realize that there are some costs associated with faith. However, there is also eternal reward, which outweighs all the temporary costs we might have to pay in this life. In some ways, I do ask myself this - are we really participating in a true faith if there are no costs associated with it? I have heard and read books and listened to speakers about how faith can bring us health & wealth & happiness. And I know there are many times when this is true - but I do think these would be dangerous goals of faith in and of themselves - we could end up serving health, wealth and happiness as mini-gods of our own design if we're not careful. We could find ourselves following our own plans rather than God's Perfect Will for our lives.

Our faith must simply be about following Jesus and God's Perfect Plan & Will for our lives and accepting the costs - and the benefits - that come along with this Walk. What are the costs in your life of following Jesus? Do you believe that suffering might be part of the package in this life of following Jesus? I do believe the costs are all worth it - no matter what they may be. Here's a really really heavy question to put out here... but I think it is something that at some point we need to ask ourselves. I hope you don't mind this blog bringing this question to you if you've never asked this of yourself before... :)

The question is this: Are you willing to die for your faith? This would be the ultimate cost in this life for any of us. Our life. And it may well be that this cost will never be asked of you. But - many people in our world today are indeed paying this cost of their lives for their faith in Jesus. There have been martyrs throughout the centuries, and there still are martyrs in our world today. Certainly, as we proceed through this gospel of Matthew we will see that Jesus is willing to die for his faith. So, again, it's a tough question - but are you willing to die for your faith? I think if you can get to an affirmative answer to this question between you and God, you will be able to more readily accept all other "lesser" and temporary costs that will come your way in this life by following Jesus. And you will know without a shadow of a doubt that the costs are well worth the reward of an eternity spent with God. Will you follow Jesus no matter the cost?'s commentary on today's readings in Matthew chapter 8 titled "Peace, Be Still" is at this link and "The Demons and The Pigs" is at this link.

Worship Video: Today's readings in Matthew Chapter 8 about the costs of following Jesus reminded me of the awesome song "Burn the Ships" by for KING & COUNTRY:
Have you burned the ships of sin in your life? Click here to burn the ships!
Comments from You and Questions of the Day: Based on our readings in Matthew today, do you believe there is a cost to following Jesus? Is it worth the cost? Are there any limits to the cost of following Jesus that you couldn't agree to? Would your life be too much? Also, what verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings? Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
God bless,
p.s. I would greatly appreciate it if you would pray for this Bible Blog ministry today and also consider financially supporting this ministry. Thank you!