Luke 16:19-17:10
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Today in Luke chapter 16 we read about the rich man and Lazarus. I have always found verse 31 to be such a great reflection on what it means to have having a soft heart and a strong faith - ""But Abraham said, `If they won't listen to Moses and the prophets, they won't listen even if someone rises from the dead.' "" Basically, Abraham is saying that people whose hearts are hardened to faith will not even believe it if a dead man returns to them and tells them to repent. They still won't repent even with this miracle. And I believe this is true. Let us pray that our hearts are soft and open to faith and that we can share the Good News of Jesus with others in our life whose hearts may be becoming more and more hardened with each passing day...'s commentary on our Luke Chapter 16 readings today titled "The Rich Man and Lazarus" is at this link and commentary titled "Death: The Door to Eternity" is at this link.
Wow. I love Luke 17 verse 10 - "In the same way, when you obey me you should say, `We are not worthy of praise. We are servants who have simply done our duty.'" I wonder if sometimes we do good works for Jesus expecting some praise or return on our works? This is obviously not a good motive. We should simply be obedient to Jesus and not expect praise for our obedience - from Jesus or from others. It is simply a blessing for us to be called to Jesus' service. That is more than enough.'s commentary on our Luke chapter 7 readings today titled "Taking Sin Seriously" is at this link.
Worship Video: Today's readings remind me of Francesca Battistelli's song, "Write your Story:"
Has God written His story on your heart? Click here for your story!
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God bless,
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