John 6:43-71
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Okay, so John chapter 6 verses 53 through 58 are some verses that get interpreted several different ways - some saying these verses speak of the Lord's Supper and some saying they speak only of faith in Jesus because the Lord's Supper had not yet been instituted by Jesus at this time. I think the key for us to focus on is that Jesus is our nourishment - our literal spiritual food if we have faith in him. It is interesting to note that many disciples turned away from Jesus after this teaching. I love Peter's reply to Jesus in verses 68 & 69 after Jesus asks if the Twelve will leave too - "Simon Peter replied, "Lord, to whom would we go? You alone have the words that give eternal life. We believe them, and we know you are the Holy One of God."" True words indeed Peter. True words indeed. If not Jesus, to whom would you go? Does anyone else have the words that give eternal life?'s commentary on John chapter 6 today titled "The Bread of Life" is at this link.
Worship Video: Today's readings reminded me of Michael W. Smith's classic song "Friends:"
Do you believe friends are friends forever? Click here for Forever!
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God bless,
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